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About Us

Our Mission:
Man looking through camera with big lens

The Sports Photolab

Sports is in our blood. Playing, watching or photographing. It doesn’t matter as long as we are involved.

For over a decade Travis Hayto has been involved in sports photography across Perth and around the world. He has also been working with local sports clubs creating memrobilia for junior athletes. While his photography business began to expand

In 2019, Travis brought on Sebastian Komatsu. At the time, Sebastian was studying Photography and Graphic Design at University. For the three years Travis trained Sebastian, aiding in the development of  his skills behind the camera and in the design room.

In 2022 we decided to freshen up the business, creating a new brand identity.  The Sports Photolab has been built upon years of experience and involvement in sport.

The Team

Travis Hayto
Project Manager/Photographer
Sebastian Komatsu
Photographer/Graphic Designer